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41、 [单选] The strategy can be defined as

A.Organizational philosophy

B.Competition plans that can achieve a company’s long-term goals;

C.An organization’s new product development plans;

D.An organization’s value proposition;








42、 [单选] What are the steps involved in the classical waterfall new product process?

A.Requirements, design, implementation, verification, maintenance.

B.Planning and implementation.

C.Planning, implementation, verification.

D.Research, concept development, prototyping, manufacturing design, commercialization.








43、 [单选] A government agent that provides electronic data for libraries and information centers wants to find out customers need what kind of new data.Then the information expert from this government agent is invited to join in a meeting held by a shopping center in the public place. Besides, customers of other eight agencies will also attend the meeting. The well-trained host investigates information used by attendees and intends to know their new demands. The one-way mirror is used in the meeting process to observe its discussion status. After the meeting, the company who hires the host will provide minutes to the government, what is the market research method involved in the above situation?

A.Focus group

B.Customer interview

C.Secondary research



一家为图书馆和信息中心提供电子数据的政府机构发现客户需要哪些新数据,来自政府机构的信息专家应邀参加在一家购物中心的办公场所举办的会议,另有其他八家机构的客户也出席参加,会议由训练有素的主持人调查了与会者目前使用什么信息以及想知道什么新信息, 会议过程中通过单面镜观察会议的讨论情况,会议结束后,雇佣主持人的公司向政府提供会议记录,这是采用了哪种市场调研方法






44、 [单选] Company A wants to develop a new product. When the feasibility is analyzed, the existing products are paired and combined, 30 people are selected from the target market, and they are given a score for the similarity and the replaceability of each pair of paired products. Consumer demand is discovered through this method, and this method is called:

A.Factor analysis.

B.Multidimensional scaling analysis.

C.Conjoint analysis.

D.Multiple regression analysis.








45、 [单选] Who shall be responsible for establishing a company’s portfolio management process?

A.Product development process managers

B.Senior managers

C.Financial officers

D.External consultants with rich experience in portfolio management








46、 [单选] A company is good at encouraging employees to refute each other's ideas at meetings, work for a long time (for example, if employees don't reply the email before midnight, they will receive a message to be questioned why they don't reply the email in time), and advocate their "high level" working standards. Which of the following terms best describes this characteristic of the company?

A. Strategic objectives

B. Climate

C. Strategy

D. Culture








47、 [单选] What type of strategy do the following three companies have in common? -an Internet company uses its own search engine as a basis for range of software application -A car manufacture uses the same chassis foundation for a range of car modules -A computer manufacture uses a specific central process unit(CPU)to run specific language code

A.A technology strategy

B.A manufacturing strategy

C.A platform strategy

D.A business strategy


以下三家公司都采用了何种战略 _一家互联网公司使用自己的搜索引擎作为一系列应用软件的基础 _一家汽车制造商的各种汽车型号使用相同的底盘 _一家计算机制造商使用特定的中央处理器(CPU)来进行特定的语言代码






48、 [单选] An investment project will invest $100,000 in one time, and the first income in the 5th year will be $161051. What is the internal rate of return?

A. 9%

B. 10%

C. 11%

D. 12%








49、 [单选] Please choose the best answer regarding to the following statements: Statement 1:IPD increase efficiency of product development and profit by marketing management, process rebuilding and product re-portfolio segment Statement 2:IPD facilitate product development infrastructure which finally approach to the objectives of knowledge, technique and innovation.

A. Statement 1 correct, Statement 2 wrong

B. Statement 2 correct, Statement 1 wrong

C.Both statements correct

D.Both statements wrong


请根据以下陈述选择最优答案: 陈述1:集成产品开发通过市场管理,流程重组以及产品重组三方面提高产品开发效率和产品利润。 陈述2:集成产品开发更多是为产品开发提供框架,最终实现知识、技能与创新的目标。






50、 [单选] You are the CEO working in a software products company. After successfully pushing products to innovators and early adopters in the initial time, product sales have dropped significantly, and you have begun to think about how to reach the early public market. This stage of product introduction is often referred to us

A.Fuzzy front section

B.Innovator's dilemma

C.Cross the chasm

D.Break-even point






